
Our Mission

Building on Heaven's Design

Our Vision

At New House, we have a vision for a new expression of the church that includes the equipping of the saints through the ministry of the 5-fold to reach the fullness of Christ (Ephesians 4:11-13). Every person is gifted and called, and it is our desire to help individuals discover their God-given identity, learn to function in healthy relationship with God and with other people, and to help launch them into the specific destiny that God has designed for them.

Our Beliefs

We believe that all people are born in a state of separation from their Creator, a state that they are unable to rectify on their own. We believe that because of God’s great love for us and His desire to spend eternity with us, He was willing to send His divine son, Jesus Christ, to the earth to live a perfect, sinless life and be killed on behalf of those who were separated from God, in order to pay the legal penalty of our sin and allow us to have the ability to not only spend eternity with Him when this life ends (rather than eternal separation from Him), but also to live a full, abundant life while still here on this earth. We believe that in order to receive this eternal and abundant life, each person must make a conscious choice to believe that Jesus Christ is who He says He is, that He did what is written about Him in the Bible,  accept the free gift of salvation, and allow Jesus to become the leader and director of the course of his or her life.

The Trinity

We believe that God is one God existing in three distinct persons of the Godhead, The Father, The Son (Jesus Christ), and The Holy Spirit. We believe that through salvation we have access to relationship with all three persons of the Trinity, and that through relationship with each we receive unique and specific expressions of the love of God.


The Bible
We believe that the Bible is the true Word of God, recorded by many different writers, but inspired by the one true Author, God himself. We believe that the Bible reveals the truth of who God is and how He sees His children, a love letter written from the Father to his children.


Gifts of the Holy Spirit
We believe that gifts of the Holy Spirit, as mentioned throughout the New Testament of the Bible, are for this day and age and are available to every believer. We believe the Word of God when it says that believers are to “eagerly desire gifts of the Spirit” (1 Corinthians 14:1). We believe that a follower of God is unable to fully walk in the call and purpose of their life in Christ without the vital partnership with Him that occurs when we use the gifts He has made available to us in the Spirit.